Below is a list of Knack's field types along with your options for the operator value for each.
Field Type | Filters Permitted |
Short Text | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Paragraph Text | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Yes/No | is, is not, is blank, is not blank |
Multiple Choice | is, is not, contains, does not contain, is any, is blank, is not blank |
Date/Time (single date) | is, is not, is during the current, is during the previous, is during the next, is before the previous, is after the next, is before, is after, is today, is today or before, is today or after, is before today, is after today, is before current time, is after current time, is blank, is not blank |
Number | is, is not, higher than, lower than, is blank, is not blank |
Image | is blank, is not blank |
File | is blank, is not blank |
Address | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank, near |
Name | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Link | is, is not, is blank, is not blank |
contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank | |
Phone | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Rich Text | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Currency | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Auto Increment | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Timer | is, is not, higher than, lower than, is blank, is not blank |
Rating | is, is not, higher than, lower than, is blank, is not blank |
Text Formula | contains, does not contain, is, is not, starts with, ends with, is blank, is not blank |
Signature | is blank, is not blank |