Calendar Add Event Form

When you enable the "Allow adding events" option in your Calendar Element, users can add new records directly from the calendar interface. This article explains how to configure the form that appears when users click to add a new event.

What You'll Learn

This article walks you through setting up the Add Event Form for your Calendar Element. You'll discover how to customize form fields, add a title and description, and control which information users need to provide when creating new calendar events.

Understanding the Add Event Form

The Add Event Form allows users to create new records in your database directly from the calendar interface. When configured, users can click on a day or time slot in the calendar to open a form where they can enter the details for a new event.

Configuring the Add Event Form

To configure the Add Event Form:

  1. Access your Calendar Element and open the Right Panel
  2. Navigate to the "Add Event Form" section
  3. You'll see information about what record type this form will create (e.g., "This form inserts a new Application record connected to this page's Programs/Grant")

Title and Description

The Title and Description section allows you to customize the header information for your form:

  • Title: Enter text to appear as the form header (e.g., "Add New Grant Application")
  • Description: Add explanatory text that appears below the title to guide users on how to complete the form

Leave either field blank to display the form without a title or description.

The description field includes rich text formatting options that allow you to:

  • Apply text formatting (bold, italic)
  • Create lists
  • Adjust text alignment
  • Add custom HTML if needed

Managing Form Fields

The "Manage Fields" section lets you control which fields appear on the form:

Adding and Removing Fields

  1. In the field list, you'll see how many fields are currently added (e.g., "11/12 added")
  2. Check the box next to fields you want to include on the form
  3. Uncheck fields you want to remove
  4. Use "Add All" or "Remove All" buttons to quickly select or deselect all fields

Field Order and Organization

The order of fields in the list determines their display order on the form. You can drag fields to reorder them if needed.

Required Fields

By default, the date field used for positioning events on the calendar will be automatically included and required. Other fields may be required or optional depending on your table settings.

Special Field Types

Different field types have special behaviors on the Add Event form:

  • Date/Time fields: Will include calendar pickers
  • Connection fields: Allow users to select from existing records
  • Multiple choice fields: Display as dropdowns, radio buttons, or checkboxes

Unavailable Fields

Some fields may appear in the "Unavailable fields" section. These are typically fields that:

  • Are auto-populated (Auto-Increment)
  • Are calculated fields
  • Have display settings that make them incompatible with forms

Adding Static Components

The "+ Static Component" button at the bottom allows you to add formatted text blocks, dividers, or other non-field elements to organize your form.

Use static components to:

  • Add section headers
  • Include additional instructions
  • Create visual separation between groups of fields

Form Behavior Notes

When a user adds an event through this form:

  • The record will be created in the underlying table
  • The calendar will update to show the new event
  • Date/Time values will default to the date or time slot the user clicked


There are a few limitations to be aware of with Calendar Add Event forms:

  • Currently, they do not support submit rules, display rules, record rules, and email rules
  • If you need advanced form behavior, consider linking to a dedicated form page instead

Best Practices

  • Keep it simple: Include only essential fields to make event creation quick and easy
  • Pre-fill where possible: Use default values for fields when appropriate
  • Provide clear instructions: Use the description field to explain what information is needed
  • Consider your users: Make commonly used fields appear at the top of the form

By thoughtfully configuring your Add Event Form, you can empower users to efficiently add new events to your calendar while ensuring you collect all the necessary information.