Number Fields
Number Fields
Number fields are used for values that are added, counted, or measured. Values can include (or not include) decimal places and formatting of your choosing.

Number field settings
- Decimal places: A number of decimal places to include when displaying the number
- Thousands: You can choose none, comma, period, or space to separate thousands
- Format: Whether to format your number with currency letters or your own custom before and after the text
- Default Value: This value will be used by default if no value is entered
Currency fields are like Number fields, but with a currency symbol and formats for decimals and commas automatically included.

Currency field settings
- Format: The type of currency used to format each number
- Default Value: This value will be used by default if no value is entered
Auto Increment
Auto increment fields are used to give each record a unique ID by starting at one (1) and adding one for each new record.

Auto Increment field settings
Auto Increment fields are unique, ascending, and immutable. The number may not be sequential.
Updated 10 days ago
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