List Elements

List elements are used to display multiple records from a table in your database using a flexible layout of rows. This article provides a comprehensive overview of list elements and their customizable settings.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll discover how list elements can help you display and organize multiple records efficiently. You'll learn how to configure list settings, customize the appearance with different layouts, add interactive features like search and filtering, and incorporate various field types and actions to create powerful, user-friendly displays of your data.

What are List Elements?

List elements display multiple records from a table in your database using a flexible layout of rows.

Any of the fields from that table can be used as details in the list. Each record in a list can be linked to a child scene to edit or view more details about that record.

Note: List elements are managed similarly to details elements.

Managing List Elements

Adding, editing, and deleting elements are managed the same regardless of element type. To learn how to add, edit, and delete list elements from your app, see our article: About Elements.

List Settings

To access the settings of a list element, hover your mouse over the element and click on the pen icon that appears at the top left of the element. This will open options for Source, List Settings, and List Details which can be edited in the toolbox to the left of the page preview.

Source: Which Records to Display

The source section is used to control which records the list will display and how they will be displayed. Here you can add filters to limit records, define the sorting, and limit the number of records shown.

  • Data: By default, the list will display all the records from the table. However, you can use the data section to add rules that will allow you to limit which records are displayed.

  • Sort: Determine the default order in which records will be displayed first.

  • Limit: You have the option to display all available records or choose to limit the number of records shown.

Tip: To learn more about Source settings for elements, see our article here.

List Settings: Options and Settings

The List Settings section offers a range of options for customizing the appearance of your list and determining how users can interact with it in the Live app.

Here's a rundown of the available settings in the List Settings section:

List Layout

The list layout allows you to display the records in your list in 1, 2, or 3 columns.


  • Hide fields without values: Enabling this option will hide any fields in the list element that do not contain a value in the corresponding record.

  • Keyword Search: Displaying a keyword search will present a search field above the list for the user to enter keywords to filter which records will display. These keywords will search the entire record.

    On the search results display, a "reset" link will appear. Clicking this will reset all search criteria to easily search again with new criteria.

    The keyword search will be combined with any rules added to the Data Source section.

    You have the option to select which fields in the table will be used for searching: the fields being used in the element or all fields in the table.

  • Allow Record Exporting: Enabling the export feature allows users to easily export all the data from the list into various formats. Once enabled, an export link will appear in the top left corner of the list element, providing options for downloading the data in formats such as CSV, TXT, or JSON.

    The exported data will always reflect the exact data the list is displaying, including any sorting and filters.

  • Empty List Text: This will allow you to input what text will show when there are no records to display.


Pagination determines how many records will show at one time. If the total number of records exceeds the number set here, then links will be added to the list to navigate to additional pages, displaying more records.

The pagination section contains three features that you can enable to customize your list element:

  • Display (10, 25, 50, or 100) records at a time: This option allows you, as the builder, to select how many records are displayed in the Live App by default.

  • Let the user change the amount: This feature enables users in the Live App to modify the number of records they view per page.

  • Repeat pagination controls below the element: This will display pagination controls at the bottom of the list as well as at the top. By default this will be the "page X of X" display. If the feature to allow users to set how many records to view per page is enabled (see previous bullet point) this option will also show at the bottom of the list.

Filter Options

The options in the Filters section allow you to enable or disable filters for your users in the Live App. Filters give the user tools to further refine which records the list will show.

  • Don't allow records to be filtered: This option will remove filter options from the list element and your users will not be able to filter the records.

  • Allow users to add custom filters: This feature enables your users to customize their filters by allowing them to add their own custom filters. You have the option to specify whether all fields in the table can be filtered or only the fields that are present in the list element. Additionally, you can include starting filters that will be automatically applied when the page is loaded.

  • Use a filter menu: This allows you to set a predefined filter menu that your users can navigate through. With this option users can't add their own custom filters.

Title & Description

This section allows you to customize the title and description for the list element.

The title will be added directly above the element in your Live App.

The description will be added above your element below the title. Descriptions can be used to give your users more context about how to use an element.

List Details: Add Fields and Links

In the List Details section, you have the ability to customize the content that is available in the list element. Here, you can easily add or remove fields, as well as include action links and static elements to enhance the list element.

This section is divided into the two following areas:

Details Layout

  • Label Format: This setting allows you to customize how the title of your fields will be aligned in the element. You have the options to choose between none- hide label, top- above the value, left-aligned, and right-aligned.

  • Layout: This setting allows you to choose between different layout options for positioning of the field columns.

Add Details

  • Fields: Here you can add and remove fields from the primary table of the record being displayed.

  • Connections: In this section, you have the ability to add or remove fields from any connected tables that are linked to the primary table of the record being displayed.

  • Actions: In this section, you have the option to include links for various actions such as editing, deleting, viewing more details, triggering an action, or linking to another page.

  • Static: In this section, you have the flexibility to include more titles, instructions, or dividers within your list element.

Note: As depicted in the image below, you have the flexibility to include all fields from the table that the element is displaying or generate a new field in the table by selecting the ellipses icon (...) next to the table's name.

Adding Fields

To include a field in your list element, you have the option to either click on the field in the list within the toolbox or simply drag and drop the field into the list element in the preview.

Editing Fields

To modify a field on the list element, simply hover over the field in the preview and click on the pen icon. This will open up the Item Properties in the toolbox on the left-hand side.

From there, you can make changes to the label format, label title, and styling. You can also include a connection link that will link to the data source table's details pages:

Tip: You can also rearrange fields in the list element by simply dragging and dropping a field to a new position.

Removing Fields

To remove fields from your list element, hover over the field in the page preview and click the trash can icon.

Adding Actions

The actions tab allows you to add links which trigger actions to your list element. Action links can be used to do things like add links to edit or delete the record, link to another page, or trigger an action.

These are the following action links available:

  • View record details: This action will generate a new child page that will display comprehensive details of the record. By clicking on the link, users will be directed to that page to view the specific details.

  • Delete record: This will include a link to delete a record. When the user clicks on the link, they will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Selecting "OK" will then remove the record from the app.

  • Link to another page: Instead of creating a new page, you have the option to link to a page that you have already created. For instance, if you have a detailed scene displaying contact record information, you can link to that scene instead of duplicating it.

  • Trigger an action: This feature allows you to include a link that will activate an action, such as updating a record, updating a connected record, inserting a connected record, or sending a custom email.

Tip: To learn more about using action links, see our article here.

Adding Static Elements

In addition to fields from your tables, you can also add static elements to your list element from the List Details section under "Add Details". This includes additional title/copy and dividers to help add more context to your list element.

  • Title/Copy: This feature allows you to include a section where you can display additional text content as either a section title or description.

  • Divider: This feature allows you to add a divider in the list element wherever you place it. It is a useful tool for organizing your list element into distinct sections.