Records Overview

This guide helps you work with records in the DataTable. You'll learn how to create, save, edit, and remove records effectively within your application.

What You'll Learn

In this overview, you'll discover the essential skills for managing your data records. We'll cover creating new entries, saving changes properly, handling validation requirements, and removing records when neededโ€”foundational skills that help you maintain accurate and organized data.

Adding Records

To add a new record to your table:

  1. Navigate to the Records tab in the DataTable
  2. Click the "Add Record" button in the Records top toolbar
  3. The record will be placed at the bottom of the table
  4. Fill out the record details inline
  5. Click "Save" to create the record

You can add multiple records at once and save each row separately

For adding records in bulk, try the data import feature which supports .CSV, .XLS, .XLSX & Google files. See our Importing documentation for detailed instructions.

โญ Remember that records can also be created, edited, and deleted via the Live App, Tasks, Rules, API and Flows.

Saving Records

Save Options

When working with records, you have flexible options for saving your changes:

You can choose to:

  1. Save changes for one record at a time by clicking the checkmark on the record
Save individual record

Save individual record

The footer indicates how many changes have been made since the last save. Scroll through to be taken to individual fields with changes.

Number of changes made since last save

Number of changes made since last save

  1. Save all changes to records at once
Save all changes to the table in bulk

Save all changes to the table in bulk

Discarding Changes

If you need to undo your changes:

Discard changes and delete an individual record

Discard changes and delete individual record

Discard changes and delete individual record

Or discard all pending changes by selecting Discard Changes in the bottom footer area:

Discard changes and delete unsaved records

Discard changes and delete unsaved records

Validation Override Options

Bypassing Field Validation

Sometimes you may need to save records that don't meet all validation requirements. These might be set by Validation Rules, or options set in the field settings.

After pressing the Save Changes button, watch for errors in the footer, record, or field.

Address errors prior to saving

Address errors prior to saving

In the table footer, scroll through to correct each field with errors.

However, if there are unresolved errors, and you press Save Changes a second time, you'll see options to Continue Editing, or to Save with Errors, which bypasses Validation Rules and Required Field Settings and saves the table.

Bypass errors and Save Changes to the table or Continue Editing the table

Bypass errors and Save Changes to the table or Continue Editing the table


The option to bypass Validation Rules is only available in the DataTable.

When editing records in the Live App, all validation requirements must be met.

Editing Records in a Form Element

For an alternative to inline editing, especially with larger tables:

Click on the ellipses in the left-most field and select Edit Records. This opens a form element that provides a more comprehensive view when working with tables containing many fields.

Edit records in a Form view

Edit records in a Form view

Deleting Records

Single Record Deletion

To remove an individual record:

  1. Locate the record you want to delete
  2. Select the ellipses next to the record
  3. Click the "Delete" button
  4. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up dialog


Coming Soon! Deleting records in bulk


Coming Soon! Record History